Tuesday, June 28, 2011

a teacher named glenda

I would like to start this venture with a small blog to thank glenda for extending the patience and the generosity of  sharing this exciting opportunity to write. I have long sought the writing prowess of interesting people I admire and have drunk from the genius of their poetry and their classics. Internet would have saved Rizal from burning pages of El Filibusterismo and now, technology can afford me to contain and express my thoughts for free without the risk of bankruptcy.

I was singing in my thoughts the Prayer for Generosity just minutes ago when by act of fate, the subject of blogging came up in our discussion. The subject happens to be a treasure chest for me. My faith is re affirmed today - indeed, in the time of Abraham and in the 21st century, angels are amongst us and we experience them in different ways. In my experience today, I consider it a miracle how this knowledge came to my doorsteps. The universe unfolds itself everyday. And this morning, a new universe was introduced to me by an angel.

May I take this opportunity to express my heartfelt gratitude to a fellow Atenean who share the same amount of passion and the same amount of thirst for faith, reason and purpose. Glenda, thank you for your generosity.