Thursday, August 30, 2012

625 Steps to BCDI

In parting words to my BCDI stint, I am further reinforced about the uncertainties in life. The question in me persists as to the all time life question once pronounced simply in Shakespeare’s Hamlet “ to be or not to be?. In the face of disenchantment and uncertainty, is there meaning in persistence for a seemingly lost cause. Clearly I have found the two aspects in this long time dilemma human predicament. An answer to be found in the book of Genesis. Indeed, human beings are made in the image and likeness of God. We manifest Godly characteristics of intelligence and freedom. We share in God’s competence for creation. Amidst the frictions of Life and its according challenges of great floods, drought, pestilence, financial crisis and other calamities, a choice remains in each one of us. “To be or not to be” – To be positive or not be positive, To be roused or to be discouraged, To find a solution or to find fault, To be thankful or to be discontent, To appreciate the good things or to be burdened by disadvantages.

As Job choose to be faithful to God and his goodness, this competence is available to every human being until the end of time. Quite easily spoken however very challenging to execute. For in our frailties as Human beings where do we find the courage to persist, the fortitude to hold on, the wisdom to fathom the mystery of our human situation. A challenge so personal for only in our solitude we can find the answer to ancient questions of our human existence. An answer only to be found from within. Only to be found thru deep discernment – a discernment of the soul, of the mind. Answers as unique as our human DNA – distinct and unique in every person. With the volumes of books written since ancient times, there will be no the same exact answer for everyone. Though there are processes available as presented by various religious and cultural denominations, it remains a fact that even the process can not be exactly defined to fit everyone. Each man will have to find his purpose and find the strength to remain faithful to that cause however the circumstance. To find meaning in the exact act of manifesting the purpose regardless of external rewards or reinforcement. To remain true to your purpose as a Professional Manager, as a Father, as a Husband, as a Christian or as a Human Being.

 Indeed, there is wisdom in the words shared to me by a good friend and fellow manager whose competence I admire, Jessraf Palmares. One time in Central Luzon he told me " you must have a good pair of legs to excel in Sales and distribution". For seven months I patiently took 625 steps to my office at Alwana Business Park despite the regular vehicle package of an Operations Manager. My 625 steps were moments of analysis and discernment as I ponder on the learning of each day and the actions I have to take. I am reminded of Mao Tse Tongs Long March where a supposed retreat and fatal blow on the Red Army became the source of strength that paved the way   to the victory of Mao's Army in China. Perhaps, the wisdom and patience I gained with the 625 steps I took for seven months while managing a 50M business will pave way to better opportunities. 

In a classic book I have read entitled On War, the author specifies two qualities in a man that will make a “genius” on war. The following personal characteristics were mentioned by the author, an influential military thinker the Napoleonic period of Europe. Of the qualities he mentioned, I am most struck by the following items:

  1. Courage. Physical courage in the presence of danger to the person. Moral courage referring to the courage before responsibility; whether it be before the judgment seat of external authority, or the inner power of the conscience.
  2. Strong Mind. One which does not lose its balance even under the most violent excitement; an understanding which in the midst of this intense obscurity, contains some traces of inner light which leads to the truth.
  3. Strength of Character. Tenacity of conviction. Consistent and difficult to move.
  4. Self Command. The power of submitting oneself to the control of the understanding; but the power of listening to reason in the midst of the most in tense excitement, in the storm of the most violent passions.
Though to some war may seem a far out comparison to life, it remains a fact that a lot of parallel principles applies to both concepts. There are situations in Life that can be as tragic as War. First hand experience of mine deals with our family business demise in Albay commencing with my Grandfather’s death. The tragedy of which spans thirty years and to this date I carry the burden of continuing my Grandfather’s legacy if not in my time perhaps in my children’s generation. A legacy of family and competence which produced a monumental reputation in the Bicolandia for business and politics. A Chinese Mestizo who demonstrated the passion and competence of his forefathers who migrated to Albay from Macau. Though uneducated who learned to read and write in later years, Papa Saning excelled in trading, transport, gasoline retail and rural bank during post war Bicolandia. To lose this inheritance in my generation is as tragic as losing in war as Axis nations were penalized with heavy fines after world war 2. A similar circumstance would be the tragic tale of some 73 personnel of BCDI as the Company concluded its operation effective August 31, 2012.  Tragic as 73 families will have to face uncertainty commencing Sept. 1. Each will have to brace and call upon their skills and experience to negotiate their way to another venture as employment or business. Tales of the exploits of business tycoons in the Philippines as illustrations of operational maneuvers, strategy and tactics comparable to rigors of warfare. Courage, strong mind, strength of character, and self command maybe manifested as well in managing circumstances in Life. Circumstances which ranges from soft serve to violent and dubious maneuvers of partners, superiors, subordinates and competitors. To stay calm and steady would need a personality with courage, character, and self command to weather the storms.

To my colleagues at Bukidnon Choice Distributor Inc, for the sake of your families and little children may you find the courage to persist in the challenging times ahead as we conclude our operation by August 31, 2012. May you the find the wisdom in the circumstance that we have. With a strong mind and strength of character each will find his way according to what one have sown.