Wednesday, December 7, 2011

The SME advantage

The budding Filipino entrepreneurs needs specialists in Marketing to sustain their competitiveness. A defense against competitors and changing market forces; and an offense towards financial stability and growth. Th special concern of RDL in the trade is a special concern the company has to address if it wants to survive. Their shelf space, display, placement and merchandising position are being eaten up in North Luzon. The morale of its sales organization is a cause of concern. Pinakurat specialty vinegar has ventured into Modern Trade. Can they sustain this battle? To be circumspect is to anticipate market leaders as Datu Puti and Silver Swan to develop flanker brand to protect their turf in the market. Strategic questions as choosing the battles to fight is very much a marketing concern.

NorMin local entrepreneurs as Vjandep must not sleep on their laurels as a static position will make them open targets of copycat products. I have anticipated pastel competition last 2009 and barely a year after, Malunggay Pastel and Pastil is available in the market. "to respond to situation in an infinite number of ways" and "to be prepared for any contingency" is the acme of marketing skill. Our local entrepreneurs must never lose the initiative. Their marketing generals must recognize the millions of opportunity loss and risk they are incurring by the day.

CSC Index presented in the The Discipline of Market Leaders three value disciplines which are tactical in nature but can be considered very practical and effective in our times - Product Leadership, Customer Intimacy and Operational Excellence. The maneuver of the Hortalezas in their acetone, spray net, and maxi peel is a feat each filipino entrepreneur must appreciate. Their is much to be gained in operating a mobile war specially for small companies with limited insfrastructures. Gardenia has penetrated Northern Mindanao emboldened by SM Save More's expansion in Cagayan de Oro City. Nestle invested millions in a logictics hub in Cagayan de Oro City. " While we have a blundering swiftness of war, we have not yet seen a clever operation that was prolonged; supernatural speed is the essence of war". The Art of War, Sun Tzu.

To be available the first time and all the time., never missing any opportunity of purchase never allowing any windows open for brand switching. To stretch the boundaries of competition - strategic channels, tactical displays, special selling ops, impulse triangle to mention a few. Category management is just the tip of the iceberg. The war in marketing is being fought at all fronts. However, sales and distribution is the ultimately discipline where all efforts are translated to numbers - sales. When multinational have the wealth of systems and technology from their experience of other foreign markets, local entrepreneurs must have an equivalent strategy and tactics - to anticipate the market, create variations of tactics, to duplicate the intuitive operation of the ill equipped army of Mao Tse Tung against the massive army of Chang Kai Check, the protracted strategy of the Viet Cong against the technology of American forces during the Vietnam War. 

" Now the reason the enlightened prince and the wise general conquer the enemy whenever they move is and their achievement surpass those of ordinary men is Foreknowledge". To be one step ahead all the time; never losing the initiative. The Vietnam war was fought by technologically equipped American Forces against ill equipped Vietnamese forces. However, the tides of the war favored the Vietnamese People's Army using the same principle used by Mao Tse Tung in the communist movement of China where the forces of Chiang Kai Check were out maneuvered and forced to retreat to Taiwan. Time and again, history is full of account that wars are not won by numbers or strength, its won by strategy.

The competencies in Sales and Distribution is key to a companies growth and stability. The aforementioned concerns are just some of the operational items Prometheus Consultants is capable of resolving for our client companies. Mindanao Market Intelligence, Customer Survey, Distribution Development, Sales Training, New Product Introductions and Competitive Survey are some of our area of specialization. Combining new approaches of Multinational Marketing companies, practical solutions of street smart Philippine trading and strategic orientation of Sun Tzu,  Prometheus Provides results based marketing consultancy services. Following the stern rule of Peter  Drucker for measurements – achievement orientation is a valued virtue in every operation. We espouse a philosophic attitude in living our contracts with passion and purpose towards our clients desired results. Strategic  orientation and Creative thinking supported by a Soldiers attitude for mission - “ang taong gusto maraming paraan, ang taong ayaw maraming dahilan”.

Prometheus Consultants is willing to tailor fit modules to fit the culture and level of competence of our client's organization. Standards are standards. The principles of marketing management applicable to multinationals are the same principles that apply to our local entrepreneurs - except for some minor cultural deflections, the rules of PLOC is constant in all industries and markets. However, our local entrepreneurs may chose to play the game differently according to their available advantages and existing organization. Capitalize on your strengths, exploit your competitor's weakness and respond to the circumstance in an infinite variety of ingenious ways.

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