Monday, September 12, 2011

Carl von Clausewitz: the strategic and operational center of gravity


 The strategic and operational center of gravity.  In the process of developing a sound strategy,  Clausewitz principle of “strategic and operational center of gravity” is a an excellent guide in directing concept development.  If we are to develop a winning strategy, we must concentrate all our strength at “ the strategic and operational center of gravity” by which victory will be achieved. An application for which is determining essential information as:

1.       Decision making process. How does a consumer decide?
2.       Point of sale analysis. Where does the consume buy specific products?
3.       Consumer traffic. Where can we find specific volume of target consumer?
4.       Communication. Which specific medium of communication influence their preference?
5.       Motivation. What specific need and related behavior influence consumer preference?

The essential unpredictability of war. The need for a effective field command. The concept of military genius to sway the tides of war.  The “fog of war” would need day to day command where attack and defense compliment each other as the circumstance require.   "an intellect that, even in the darkest hour, retains some glimmerings of the inner light which leads to truth . . . . " and " the courage to follow this faint light wherever it may lead " are two qualities assigned by Clausewitz to a military genius. Intellect that would the need for “critical analysis” to be able to discern the optimum solution towards victory. Courage the would fuel relentless persistence in the face of great obstacle or peril.  A most practical application of this Clausewitzian concepts are:

1.       The need for leadership competence. John Maxwell 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership.
2.       The need for strategy. Depth of experience, Technical Knowledge, Planning and Analytical skills.
3.       The need for moral courage. Beyond intellect, is the mystic flavor unique in the genius of a man.
4.       Competence in pertinent fields. Creative Thinking, Communication, Marketing, Accounting.

The use and abuse of historical studies. Calusewitz studied the genius of Alexander Suvarov, Hannibal, Alexander, Julius Cesar and other great military leaders of history to gain understanding on the principles and practical methods by which warfare is managed.  It is pertinent for the Marketing student to devote time in learning the great exploits behind excellent brands as C2, Selecta, RC Cola, Fortune Tocacco, Cobra, Mang Inasal, Zesto, Kopiko, and the China Phenomenon. The genius behind the winning strategy in these brands are excellent materials for analysis. The extent of “critical analysis” in determining the “operational and strategic center of gravity” in the unique circumstances surrounding these brands are works of excellence and hard work. 

Defense is inherently the stronger form of war.  This must be the lesson to be made in the fate of Carthage.  Blessed with a genius of a military commander in the character of Hannibal Barca, Rome could have been destroyed had it not been for the failure of the leadership to secure the defense of Carthage.  John Gokongwei started with Universal Corn Products which must have secured his raw materials for his first ventures on snack food products.  The Concepcions has RFM with flour as its main produce, a day to day raw material in Philippine Manufacturing.  With a solid foundation of a Flour business, the family leveraged on these strength and ventured to other business as Pop Cola and Selecta.

The concept of Total War.  The momentum to be gained in commitment and the direction of a company geared towards waging a Total War is an energy favorable to the leadership. A principle of Sun Tzu states “ No nation has gained in a protracted war”.  War or operations for that matter entails cost. If specific objectives have been defined,  a command must be made without any semblance of hesitation lest soldiers will be confused and morale lost.  With “strategic and operational center of gravity” determined, the efforts of the entire organization must be committed and directed at that opportunity. 

 Victory is the object of war. Victory is the object of business. Victory is the object of our lives.

Rene Bitara, Prometheus Consultants

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