Thursday, September 22, 2011

Business Genius: force of the will, force of the soul and the force of the Intellect

“By command – the generals qualities of: wise, able to recognize changing circumstances and to act expediently; sincere, his men will have no doubt of certainty of rewards and punishment; humane, loves mankind, sympathizes with others and appreciates industry and toil; courageous, he gains victory by seizing opportunity without hesitation. Strict, his troops are disciplined because they are in awe of him and are afraid of punishment” Sun Tzu

As the forces in one individual after another become prostrated, and can no longer be excited and supported by an effort of his own will, the whole inertia of the mass gradually rests its weight on the will of the commander: by the spark in his breast, by the light of his spirit, the spark of purposes, the light of hope must be kindled afresh in others: in so far only as he is equal to this, he stands above the masses, and continues to be their master; whenever that influence ceases and his own spirit is no longer strong enough to revive the spirit of all others, the masses drawing him down with them sink into the lower region of animal nature, which shrinks from danger and knows not shame” Carl von Clausewitz

With regards to the subject of qualities or personal characteristics that a General, or a leader for that matter, must possess, I am reminded of a phrase in the pages of The Art of War pertaining to a strategist by the name of Wu Chi who is closely associated with Sun Tzu. It is full of wisdom pertaining to the trivial question on “how to live life?” or “how to become an effective sovereign?” or “how to become an effective General?” or “how to become an effective leader?” The scene depicted was a conversation between Wu Chi and the Marqui Wu, a prince of the Wei state. The prince was boosting the advantages of the region with regards to defenses. Wu Chi, a strategist, answered:

The virtues of the ruler are far better defense to a state than high mountains and inaccessible cliffs

This leadership maxim demonstrates its wisdom in so many occasions in history – the circumstances behind the over running of the Germans of the Maginot Line, the failure of the Great Wall of China in defending its frontiers from marauders and trespass of Nomads,  the short lived reign of Napoleon’s empire, the glory that was Rome, the success of the American democracy, the failure of Ferdinand Marcos versus the success of Lee Kuan Yu, his erstwhile Singaporean counterpart, the victory of Mao Tse Tung over Chiang Kai Check, the virtues demonstrated by Manny Villar, Juan Ponce Enrile, Fidel Ramos, John Gokongwei, Henry Sy, and Lucio Tan demonstrated with such devastating effect on their chosen vocations. Vocation is a better term suited for it rather than profession. A vocation lived with vision, mission and passion. It is deeper than profession in the context of level of commitment, the level of competence and the virtues demonstrated by great men; the high level of force in the will and in the soul; a fine penetrating mind that comprehends the various circumstances surrounding their chosen path. 

Clausewitz Qualities of the Genius of war:

Courage is of two kinds; first, physical courage, or courage in presence of danger to the person: and next, moral courage, or courage before responsibility; whether it be before the judgment-seat of external authority, or of the inner power, the conscience
Firmness,  the resistance of the will in relation to the force of a single blow
Staunchness, in relation to a continuance of blows
Self-command, the power of submitting oneself to the control of the understanding; but the power of listening to reason in the midst of the most intense excitement, in the storm of the most violent passions
Strong mind, one which does not lose its balance even under the most violent excitement.
Strength of character,  is denoted tenacity of conviction; Consistent and  difficult to move
Energy in action expresses the strength of the motive through which the action is excited; honor and glory.
Resolution is an act of courage in single instances, and if it becomes a characteristic trait, it is a habit of the mind
Presence of mind certainly denotes very fitly the readiness and rapidity of the help rendered by the mind.

Sun Tzu Qualities of a General:

Wise, able to recognize changing circumstances and to act expediently
Sincere, his men will have no doubt of certainty of rewards and punishment
Humane, loves mankind, sympathizes with others and appreciates industry and toil
Courageous, he gains victory by seizing opportunity without hesitation.
Strict, his troops are disciplined because they are in awe of him and are afraid of punishment
Circumspect, he prefers to win by strategy. 

If you aspire success in your profession or life for that matter, take initiative to assess the virtues your possess and identify those you need to develop. Reflect and discern - are you brave or cowardly? are you reckless or circumspect? are you decisive or hesitant? are you indolent or hardworking? Consistent or inconsistent?  are you wise or ignorant? are you self reliant or dependent on other people? do you have command over yourself or want has command over you? do you have the strength of mind to brave the storm or are you fearful? are you optimistic or negative? are you easily swayed by your emotion with no regard for reason? do you have the resolution for discipline? can you command your body to move in adverse  circumstances sleepless planning sessions? the strength of mind to follow thru on your plans or are you easily swayed by obstacles? 

Part of our divine inheritance is the power to create. By creation, we can re-invent ourselves. Ultimately, we define what kind of life we desire to live.  We can learn and unlearn. As many wise sages once told, "continuous effort is the key to unlocking once potential". "We tend to realize in life what we persistently hold in the thought and vigorously struggle toward" or thought to that effect. It will be a most challenging journey and one must have the determination to surmount whatever sacrifices your dream will demand of you.

Rene Bitara, Prometheus Consultants 

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