Thursday, October 27, 2011

salesmanship defined

I had a lively conversation with an old friend last Sunday. A friend I have known since high school years. A good friend and a good family person, Milben was your typical Kuya who looks after the younger siblings.  I was a regular guest in the house and had the honor to know the family up close. Honors Class during our high school years, Editor in Chief crusaders, President XU Central Student Government, a good son, a good brother and a good friend. My best guess is he had good parents, who were devout Catholics, who took time and effort to raise responsible kids. Milben was always a diligent student even in our High School days. A kind of diligence and work discipline which became a competence to be used with a degree of effectiveness in the various responsibilities he assumed in later years. When many of our classmates at 4A 1992 went to Manila to study at Ateneo, UP and La Salle, we stayed behind with the scholarship offered to us by Xavier University. Assuming the Regional Manager for Luzon position of Johnsons and Johnsons, the skill by which Milben managed his transition from Unilever to JandJ with due consideration for his personal bias for work-life balance where family is an essential factor is noteworthy for analysis for every student or professional for that matter. We can only count so few in the region who has managed a stable successful career in Corporate Sales while maintaining a work-life balance. Surely, some of the Best Practices that can be derived from a successful career as Milben’s can be found in the other pages as Decisions founded on Critical Analysis over recklessness, a Principle-centered life based on the Right Virtues over Vices, the right formation formula wherein family plays a crucial role of building the values and life’s skill foundation of children so successfully observed by our Tsinoy kababayans and lastly, the competence of a child to pursue knowledge beyond the norms, tradition and structures around him such that creativity is universal and is a personal choice rather than a matter of circumstance. Simply put, the first foundation of a child is the family; after which is the community where he grows into manhood which includes the school, religion and circle of friends; and lastly, self awareness and determination, the child's realization of his freedom, potential and intellect such that, ultimately, he has a choice as to what kind of life he will live.

Its enlightening to hear insights from Professionals with tested performance and milestones. Its more enlightening to realize that, despite their stature and the power of the brands they manage, the concepts they share with you are basic principles. No rocket science they say. Milben proposes that the process of selling is simply an exchange of values. Things go wrong if there is a breakdown in the process. In corporate sales as it is in basic selling in General Trade, customer buy products because of profit opportunity while a sales executive sells a product to achieve sales in terms of peso collection. Many other exchanges can be executed following this simple formula. Even in Distributor Management, the same principle applies. A distributor agrees to invest in inventory and distribution structure to gain long term profitability while the Principal Company agrees to entrust his distribution standards to a distributor to gain long term business stability and profitability. Loss of goodwill between trade partners happens when the balance is not observed. An illustration of which is a Distributor forced to extend credit to the trade to achieve a sales target at the risk of his liquidity and bad debts. Or a supermarket invest in a slow or non moving product at the risk of his investment where capital in the inventory sleeps for many months when product sleeps in the shelves. Or a transaction gone sour when a customer realizes that the contract is one sided or the risks are not manageable or the rate of returns not good enough versus risks involved. 

Thus, we find the phrase “ execute a mutually beneficial exchange of goods” in the definition of Salesmanship. Sustainable business transactions are founded on mutually beneficial arrangements. A “purchase” satisfies a particular customer need, while a “sale” satisfies a financial need of a company. Postulates the sustainable motivation of seller and buyer to long term business relationship.
Professional Salesmanship Definition "The holistic business system required to effectively develop, manage, enable, and execute a mutually beneficial, interpersonal exchange of goods and/or services for equitable value." American Society of Training and Development

We derive from this definition three components of Professional Selling:

Holistic business system. A holistic system which extends to other business departments as finance, logistics, and marketing and other management functions as planning, leading, organizing and  controlling; and competence of selling and persuasion with focus on sustainable sales results. As a business system, it has a science in its underlying principles and its application. It has the quality of organization and a systematic structure of operation.   

Mutually beneficial. Valued parted with for value received. Sales executive are able to strike an accord with customers under the premise that the former has something to offer that is beneficial to the client – an opportunity for profit, an opportunity for business growth.

Interpersonal. The human factor remains a crucial element in any human endeavor.  “Interpersonal” refers to a sales person’s personal character of relating or working with other people.  It is the quality of being able to communicate, negotiate and develop relationships, personal and professional.

Having dissected the definition of Salesmanship as a profession, we must appreciate as well the word “selling” which encompasses the core process of every Sales Executive. Selling is the act of  persuading someone to buy one's product or service.   Related to the art of  persuasion, the act of influencing the mind by arguments or reasons offered, or by anything that moves the mind or passions, or inclines the will to a determination. ( Brainy Quote ) It refers to the systematic process of repetitive and measurable milestones, by which a salesman relates his  offering of an idea, product or service in return enabling the buyer to satisfy internal and external motives.

Effectiveness in 21st century Professional Salesmanship would require competence in the various processes, skills,  marketing management and related subjects; and professional competence as achievement orientation, communication and influence, interpersonal skills, customer service and leadership orientation, change leadership, strategic orientation and creative thinking and entrepreneurial orientation. Basic skills as planning, leading, organizing, controlling, driving, computer and tech skills, presentation skills, face to face communication, learning, people skills, prospecting and probing skills, and facilitating skills. Working knowledge on performance measurement and performance standards development – measurements as sales performance, call effectiveness, coverage, reach, availability, out of stock rate, visibility, handling, profitability, liquidity, asset utilization to mention a few. KSIs vary from one industry to another but the principle is the same – “you can only manage what you can measure” Peter Drucker.

In my consultancy practice, I have experienced first hand the idiosyncrasies of one industry to another.  While working with a computer company in NorMin, the decision making process to buy a computer is far too different from FMCG.  The distribution of the computer industry aligns itself to the nature of the product as a high value commodity. Business people in the industry are more conservative than FMCG resellers. The selling process is different as well. Although the details are different but the principles are similar or congruent. With much friction, I deducted formulas and translated it to the computer industry. Principles as Product Knowledge - Features,4Ps, Unique Perceived Value; Customer Appreciation - Database, Historical Sales, Channels; Knowledge on Competition - Value Proposition, Market Share, TOT; Appreciation of Terrain     - Area, Company, Industry, Industry Best Practice; Market Situation- Niches, Peculiarities, Demographics; Target Market      - Income Bracket, Demographics and Consumer Behavior - Decision making Behavior, Trends, survey.

Seems complicated but a simple process can be adapted to gain competence on the aforementioned items. If I may borrow a quote from Winston Churchill “ continuous effort is key to unlocking once potential”. If one loves marketing and has a passion for selling, one can discern knowledge and labor towards competence. With conscious effort, a student in Salesmanship can become the finest salesman – competent, right attitude, knowledgeable, excellent with people and able to deliver results.

Friday, October 14, 2011

ten virtues of professional salesmanship

In ancient times, when education of children was done in basic and practical means, the Romans and similar tribes as Vikings, Spartans, Carthaginian and Celtics trained their youth in the regimen of oral tradition and code of conduct. A code of conduct summarized in simple terms in the form of virtues as courage, fortitude, temperance, honor, strength and justice. Indeed, it is easier to be governed by principles rather than procedures and systems which in life vary in form depending on the situation. In application, principles are more fluid and flexible as it is in the spirit and logic behind the reason that serve as a guide and point of reference in making complex decision. Logic may be deducted and applied in other means. In this manner, measures, means and systems may take different form and still abide by a principle.

The following virtues I have found pertinent in the function of selling. Time tested virtues I have learned in the most conspicuous way. Persistently thru trial and error, I took pain to discern what greatness lie beneath this simple terms. Simple virtues when acted upon repeatedly can produce giants and genius in man. Indeed, “virtues are far better defense than high mountains and inaccessible cliffs”. More than material security and alliances, virtues as courage, persistency  and resiliency are valuable treasures to an enlightened man.

10 Virtues of Professional Salesmanship: 

1 - Honor. Honesty, fairness, or integrity in one's beliefs and actions. ( ) Related to integrity which means adherence to moral and ethical principles; soundness of moral character. Sincerity is a manifestation of Honor. It is easiest to look a client straight in the eye with sincerity in one heart. I am sincere in my efforts and my proposals. Sincerity radiates a confidence which can easily be manifested in body language, tone of voice and choice of words.

Attitude: I am fair. I will give praise to where it is due and reprimand to wrongdoings. I adhere to moral and ethical principles.

Testimony: Ten years in sales and business, I will put my vote on sincerity as an essential ingredient in handling negotiation. I have closed contract with strangers who doesn’t hve the slightest clue of who I am. My experience pertaining negotiation, sincerity has a way of commanding the body, the mind and the heart and its manifestation to communicate trustworthiness. I met Mr. Ho in his Paranaque warehouse with only myself and good disposition to present, not even a calling card. Mr. Ho awarded to me the lucrative contract for his entire warehouse after 3 visits.

2 - Fortitude. Strength of mind to meet or endure unfalteringly pain, adversity, or peril; patient and constant courage; endure pain or trial while steadily confronting dangers that cannot be actively opposed or against which one has no adequate defense.

Attitude: I will endure every adversity and confront each danger towards my purpose.

Testimony: My first three months in Manila last 2001 were months of adversities. I don’t have a concrete job offer, I am not familiar with Manila, my budget of five thousand will hardly last me 30 days, I was away from family, and everybody was telling me to go home. Before 2001, were more adverse conditions when my life was going nowhere in Mindanao and financial conditions were disappointing with obscure ventures and without directions. I have endured pain and have faced peril eye to eye without regard for security. Since I stepped in Manila ten years ago I was committed to advance – never, never, never to give up.

3 - Progressive. Dynamic and forward looking. Pertaining to making progress toward better conditions or improvement;  employing or advocating more enlightened or liberal ideas or reforms, new methods. Derived from root word progress, the development of an individual  in a direction considered more beneficial than and superior to the previous level. ( )

Attitude: I can improve my conditions in life. I chose to resolve predicaments positively towards sustainable relationships. It is futile to cry over spilled milk. I chose to discuss entrapment such that the same entanglement will not occur again. I will make gems out of my setbacks as the oyster make pearls out or irritants. There is something positive in every situation, good or bad.

Testimony: “not enjoyment and not sorrow is our destined end or way, but to act that each tomorrow finds us farther than today”. In whatever conditions, logic would tell us that “an inch more” is always netter than a status quo. Retracing my footsteps in 2009 back to Mindanao with all my resources exhausted, in pursuit of advancement, I have employed various initiatives. While my consultancy ventures was at work and awaiting results, I found my way to writing where I have found my much needed avenue for exercising my mission and passion in Marketing. From scattered pages and sketches, I am working on Juan Galing and the Competence of Selling, a manual on Salesmanship and Sales Management.

4 - Pro Active. Action and result oriented behavior, instead of the one that waits for things  to happen and then tries to adjust (react) to them. Proactive behavior aims at  identification and exploitation of opportunities and in taking preemptory action against potential problems and threats, whereas reactive behavior focuses on fighting a fire or  solving a problem after it occurs. ( )

Attitude: I identify my threat and opportunities today and act with decisiveness. Make the most of the day, the hour and the minute. If I can accomplish great tasks today why wait for tomorrow.

Testimony: In serious consideration of my finite life, I have resolved to extract the juices in every minute and every hour of each day the Lord has blessed me. I pursue value in all my ventures. I put my heart in my undertaking. I pursue excellence in my engagements. I pursue my purpose relentlessly by the day, by the hour, by the minute.One hour or even a minute can be an opportunity of a lifetime. An opportunity to love. An opportunity to live. An opportunity to reach for the stars and for a moment, experience immortality. A sense of vision. A sense of mission. A life lived with passion.

5 - Persistent. A steady and certain advance to a definite goal that engages all the powers of body, mind and soul.  Dr. Frank Boyd. the quality of being determined to do or achieve something; firmness of purpose. Tenacity of purpose. Resolute determination. ( Wordnet, Princeton University, Farlex Inc. 2003-2008)

Attitude: I will advance with steadfast and relentless determination. I will not falter in the storm nor in good weather. I will persevere in the whatever conditions until my goals are achieved.

Testimony: I persist until I succeed. Winning is my state of mind. I act as if I have won. Every day is an opportunity to act on the programs towards my goal. Persistence is a state of mind as much as it is a behavior. I persist as a father. I persist as a husband. I persist as a Filipino. I persist as a son. I persist as a Marketing man. I persist as a human being.  Persistence is a means rather than an end.

6 - Courage. The state or quality of mind or spirit that enables one to face danger, fear, or overwhelming odd with self-possession, confidence, and resolution. ( Answer. Com )Boldness in the execution of plans in the face of odds or obstacles.

Attitude: I will face whatever fear and overwhelming odds that stands between me and my appointed destination. I will advance despite the fear.

Courage. Courage for me is a matter of situation. Situations which I can create. Situation is a matter of opinion. Opinion which we can influence either thru logic or illusion or imagination. Courage is merely the realization that certain things are more valuable than your perceived fears or dangers. I merely think of my wife and children and I become strong. I merely think of the consequences of inaction and I become brave to confront whatever obstacles that comes my way. I merely think of death and I realize what bounty there is life; what adventure life permits.
7 - Resilient. The quality to recover quickly from illness, setback, or misfortune. ( ) Deals effectively with pressure.  Maintains focus and intensity and remains optimistic and persistent, even under adversity.  Recovers quickly from setbacks.  Effectively balances personal life and work. ( AU Strategic Leadership Studies )

Attitude: Life is full of aspirations. I have seen better days. I will rise up once again from my stumble, I will rise up every time. Life is too precious for me to accept Defeat. Defeat is not acceptable.

Testimony: We are born into this world bloody and crying. We must accept that life is no bed of roses. Sorrow and joy are illusions we must comprehend as part of our existence. Difficulties are part of life. Accepting this truth, I have come into terms with whatever pain that came my way. Perfection or excellence for that matter is an aspiration we must pursue.  Steadiness is an essential requirement to effective discernment. Important decision in life which must be discerned with analysis rather than recklessness.

8 - Resourceful. Able to deal creatively and effectively with problems, difficulties ( You Dictionary. Com ) Able to meet situations : capable of devising ways and mean. ( Merriam – Webster )

Attitude: I have a thousand and one solutions to a thousand problems. If there is a will there is a way. I will make do with my limited resources and be creative enough to address my present situation with whatever resources available to me.

Testimony: I am quite well versed with resourcefulness. Having grown and studied with limited financial resource, I was schooled in creative competence - lacking in jeep fare, lacking in uniform, lacking in electricity and water, lacking in tuition, lacking in school allowance, lacking in school supplies – lacking in many things but never lacking in creative imagination. Imagination honed by years of  want and limited resource. Somehow, it forced my perception into other realms and dimensions of thoughts. 

9 - Faith. Confident belief in the truth, value, or trustworthiness of a person, idea, or
thing; Belief that does not rest on logical proof or material evidence. American Heritage 4th edition 2000 )

Attitude: There is a divine reason for the events in life. I believe in divine providence in as much as I carry with me my strength and wisdom. There is a divine purpose for everything. I believe everything will fall to its proper place.

Testimony: I need faith. I have prayed for faith. Faith gave meaning to many things which my minute human mind cannot explain. There are situations in life which cannot be explained by reason. In this occasion, a competent man acts on the living present and puts the rest to faith. Faith is a close ally of optimism. Part of our human nature is the supernatural. Thus, our faith in the supernatural completes our humanity. When I lost my bodega, truck and capital in Cavite, the best thing I can do is to move on and work on a solution. Faith kept my soul, heart and mind intact.

10 - Decisiveness. Exercises good judgment by making sound and well-informed decisions.  Perceives the impact and implications of decisions.  Makes effective and timely decisions, even when data are limited or solutions produce unpleasant consequences.  (AU Strategic Leadership Studies )  Goal Oriented. Organized to achieve particular goals: strongly motivated and highly organized in achieving tasks that are specified in advance (MSN Encarta Dictionary )

Attitude: Every inch counts and every second matters, I will be decisive in my affairs. I will act with swiftness and accuracy in my dealings not missing a single cent, a single opportunity.  I have a goal in life. This purpose drives me everyday, every hour and every minute.  Life is too precious. I will make my life count and so I define my place in the universe.

Testimony: Our decisions define who we are. I had a good schooling on this regard when I ventured into the metal trading business. Far different than corporate, my decisions had a direct impact on me and my family. Timeliness, critical analysis, information and moral courage are essential ingredients in decisiveness. Our decision on the Fried Ulo-Ulo and Pansitan venture in the Christmas of 2007, our decision to give up the RTU Canteen, our decision to retreat to CDO, our decision to venture into metal trading, my decision to leave for Manila on the eve of 2000 Christmas, my decision to persist despite my financial loss of 2008, my decision to be steadfast as a father and a husband despite the many trials that came my way. Time is an illusion. What you do with your time is what matters. Jose Rizal might have died at 35 but the value of his life and his works is immortal.  Others might have lived longer but we ask what value have they given their time and the generations after them.

“live of great men all reminds us
We can make our lives sublime
And so departing leave behind us
Footprints in the sands of time

Footprints perhaps another
Sailing over life’s solemn Maine
A forlorn and shipwrecked brother
Seeing shall take heart again

Let us be up and doing
With a heart for any fate
Still achieving, still pursuing
Learn to labor and to wait:” Longfellow

Rene Bitara, Prometheus Consultants