Monday, October 10, 2011

a tribute to Steve Jobs - innovator, visionary, leader


“…by the spark in his breast, by the light of his spirit, the spark of purposes, the light of hope must be kindled afresh in others…” Carl Von Clausewitz

Fearsome. Passionate. Uncompromising. Inscrutable. Breakthrough thinking. Courage. Creativity. Market Opportunity. Technology. Aesthetics. Strategy. Substance. Marketing Edge. Competitive Product Advantage. Product Commitment. Mission. Leadership. Genius. These are just some of the words used to describe the leadership of Steve Jobs. We can learn so much from the life and struggles of the man behind the genius of Apple. Where do we put the limit to the possibilities of man. Is it not that we are told many times “ limitations are mere creations of the mind”. Reflecting upon the life of Steve Jobs, we ask ourselves - What is impossible? What is the limit? What is enough? 

In my own personal struggles and the great lengths I have seen of the threshold of people, there is no telling as to the limits we can extend our human reach. In the historic account of Marathon, Pheidippides submitted his last ounce of breath to his mission while in the novel Moby Dick,  there is no telling as to the limits of Captain Ahab’s determination – Moby Dick’s supernatural nature meets its much in the transcendent determination of Captain Ahab.

Steve Jobs is known for his uncompromising leadership towards a standards of excellence whose attributes is only known to him. Probably holding some counsel with some mystical being as to the power of his invention and what future awaits his strategy.  Design after design is developed until the best form is achieved. Souls who know not rest until perfection and a sound strategy is achieved. Indeed, “the skillful commander is circumspect. He prefers to win by strategy”. Steve Jobs took hold of his company and took responsibility for its victory. Sincere in his words and honor, his achievement is a godly feat of competence. The genius, the mind, the heart behind Apple is Steve Jobs. The question at hand is was the system of succession established at Apple. Now that he has passed this world,  will his legacy remain? Will his people pursue the same vision? One man can make a difference. Without one man, what effect will this bring upon the leadership of Apple.

It is told that when Napoleon is the field, his command is worth thrice the number of his army. The morale value a leader provides his people is a force to reckon with in warfare as it is in business. Sun Tzu even recommends the reconnaissance of assessing the leadership of an opponent to get a fair assessment of the competitor’s strength and weaknesses. Sun Tzu recommends a thorough investigation on the personality, history, experience and battle approaches of the General leading the opposing army. It is by the very same technique that Gen. Hannibal Barca of Carthage found his match in the Roman General Scipio Africanus who took pains in studying the personality and approaches of his erstwhile opponent. In the battle of Zama, Gen. Hannibal Barca met his match and lost. 

I must recommend to every student of marketing the study of the life, virtues, leadership, competence, strategy, tactics and approaches of Steve Jobs. Apple and its brands are highly recommended subject for analysis for every marketing student or a practitioner for that matter.  He is the embodiment of the 21st Century General. The Apple and Steve Jobs phenomenon will remain to be one of the best subject of analysis for Marketing Management, a modern day skill. An excellent demonstration of what leadership, strategy and creative leverage is all about. Steve Jobs is PLOC personified plus a great amount of competence, technical skill, marketing ingenuity, soul, intellect and heart. 

If we may put it in the context of Competency, Steve Jobs demonstrates a high level of competence in:

Achievement Orientation. under his leadership Apple achieved and surpassed its business targets. Market Shares, Brand Equity, Sales, Profitability, Distribution, ROI, ROE, Liquidity.

Leadership Orientation. The ability of Steve Jobs in bringing out the best in his people. The ability to read the characters of people in selecting the right man for the job, the skill of motivation, the ability to duplicate his competence through developing people, the ability to provide a vision. 

Creative Thinking. Apple products is the perfect manifestation of creativity. The ability to design a product with the right combination of aesthetics, utility, technology, convenience.

Communication and Influence. the manner he communicated his brands cut through race, color, culture and religion. The IPod has become an icon in many countries.

Interpersonal Skills. the skill by which he managed the various stakeholders of Apple all this years. He held his people in awe and respect. 

Strategic Orientation.  The effectiveness of his designs that has paved the way to accomplishment of short and long term goals.

Management Skill. PLOC: the combination of Planning, Leading, Organizing and Controlling. The day to day discipline of Apple geared towards Product Leadership was an essential ingredient in its victories.

Customer Service Orientation. Apple has provided a value in our time that has exceeded customer expectation and has delighted people from various races. It has impacted at the very core of the present generation – aesthetics, technology, convenience, fashion.

Change Leadership. The organizational environment created by his leadership was regimented to change, learning, technology, continuous improvement, kai zen, TQM. Apple was all about breaking boundaries.
Change was at the core of the Apple culture. Surpassing the limits was the code by which its people live.

By the spark in his breast, by the light of his spirit, the spark of purposes, the light of hope he kindled in Apple, Steve Jobs surely made a difference - the human factor,  technology can never replace. 

The power of leadership – Quintessential; Par Excellence.

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