Tuesday, October 11, 2011

critical analysis: the case study mental exercise

Decision making is a day to day activity for every sales executive. We may even postulate that a sales executive rise in the corporate ladder is tied with his ability to decide on business situation confronting his area of responsibility. In reality, a sales manager’s value to his company is in direct proportion to his ability to solve the company’s problems. It is his added value. It is a most risky undertaking as there are no guarantee that the decision made is the optimum option. We must take note that the most effective field commanders or managers rely on experience and a thorough appreciation of the situation using proven practices and scientific principles; a deep understanding of the human and non human factor, the terrain, the competition, environmental scan and a SWOT Analysis of the situation. Although, there is such a thing as “gut feel” among battle worn managers whose deep experience has equipped them with the skill of Decisiveness.

Experience is a very expensive proposition which takes risk, time and cost. For the purpose of mental calisthenics that will stretch the mental boundaries of the participants, we suffice for the moment with this learning method to augment our educational limitations. The Case Study Method will train the participants in the scientific approach of problem solving. Although, there are more advanced formula in decision making as Quantitative Decision Making and more models in analysis as Fish Bone and Environmental Scan, the scientific approach is a practical and simple approach in decision making. It facilitates a thorough investigation of the problem and the various options available to the Sales Executive with the benefit of a well thought of decision as compared to decisions born out of impulsiveness and shallow analysis. The simulation in the classroom is the closest available contraption for the student in gaining “experience”, next to actual field application. In assuming the role of the sales executive in the case, the student must make a sound decision to solve the problem.

Let us discuss the practical steps in the Scientific Approach:

1.      First and foremost, we must have the ability to recognize the problem.
2.      Gather pertinent data involved in the case
3.      Develop alternative solutions for the problem
4.      Anticipate the implications of the alternatives
5.      To present the solution and be able to defend it against opposition


1.      The objective of the Case Study method is to facilitate development of concept formulation and deepening of business awareness.  The best solution may only be an intent but not the center of the method.
2.      The Instructor’s role in the method is to facilitate the thinking process. Draw out from the class analysis and guide them through questioning. The students must provide the answers and Instructor limits his lectures.
3.      The competency of Communication and Influence will be demonstrated in this method. The skill as well of “handling objection” is also at the center of the process. The students will enhance their communication skills.
4.      Assumptions may be a resort to the participants. The case will always have deficiency of facts. However, the student’s assumptions must be supported by logic or actual practice or experience and must be able to defend it.
5.      The students will be graded according to their participation and depth of analysis. It must be noted that the discussion responsibility of Case Study approach rest upon the students and not the Instructor.


1.      Read the case with understanding and keen observation. It would help to read it several times. Make note along the way.
2.      Clarify terms or information you don’t understand with the Instructor.
3.      Create three possible theories regarding the problem of the case.
4.      Match your notes with your theories to arrive at your final problem statement.
5.      Determine the underlying concepts or situation involved in the case – sales, marketing, human behavior, business, etc.
6.      Write alternative solutions. Make a thorough evaluation of a feasible business solution. Be able to defend it.
7.      Make Possible scenarios for each Alternative Solutions. Thoroughly evaluate each scenario recognizing the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats of each alternative. Be able to defend it.
8.      Decide on the Optimum Alternative Solution. Prepare your position and be able to defend it with every concept, principle and facts you can present. Avoid “I feel” and “I believe”. Instead, use facts and basic principles to defend your proposition.
9.      Be aware of the competency of Communication and Influence. Remember, Its one thing to make a sound decision and its another to convince people to support your proposition.

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