Sunday, July 31, 2011

food for the soul

Of  prayers, spiritual discernment, Ignatian songs and verses from forgotten poets, I take refuge during storms. Mastering every subliminal effect of words repeated in my mind a hundred times. I have drunk from the same cup of Homer, Quijote, Longfellow and Frost - old and ancient poets whose testimony of humanity is true in their time as it is today, a thousand years after their bones have been washed away in time and yet, our memory of them remains. I give tribute to their great minds for accompanying me in my troubled days when I was lost and weary, they have given strength to my humanity. Timeless truth about life and death; of youth; of leadership; of passion, mission, vision; of faith, hope and love. Furthermore, timeless truth about the infinite possibilities of our humanity sealed in blood by our Lord Jesus Christ. Let me share with you a most precious song which I sing in my heart to keep me strong amidst strong winds and adversities:

Pilgrim's Theme

Tired of weaving dreams too loose for me to wear
Tired of watching clouds repeat their dance on air
Tired of getting tired of doing what's required
Is life a mere routine in the greater scheme of things

Through with taking roads someone else designed
Through with chasing stars that soon forget to shine
Through with going through one more day - what's new
Does my life still mean a thing in the greater scheme of things

I think I'll follow the voice that calls within
Dance to the silent song it sings
I hope to find my place
So my life can fall in place
I know in time I'll find my place
In the greater scheme of things

Each must go his way, but how can I decide
Which path I should take, who will be my guide
I need some kind of star to lead me somewhere far
To find a higher dream in the greater scheme of things

The road before me bends, I don't know what I'll find
Will I meet a friend or ghosts I left behind
Should I even be surprised that You're with me in disguise
For it's Your hand I have seen in the greater scheme of things (REFRAIN 1)

For Yours is the voice in my deepest dreams
You are the heart, the very heart
Of the greater scheme of things (REFRAIN 1)

Why don't we follow the voice that calls within
Dance to the silent song it sings
One day we'll find our place
For all things fall in place
For all things have a place
In the greater scheme of things 

May you find shelter in the words herein written. Sing it silently in your hearts. Find comfort in the wisdom written between the lines. In the silent voice you hear in the stillness of your heart, there you find God - the source of our light. Namaste! 
the God in me, greats the God in you. We find strength in the grace given us each day. If we simply look closer, we can find God everywhere. Only in God, we can find a self sustaining fire. Poets merely put into human words what little water they can capture in the great ocean of God's love for the world. Nevertheless, we are inspired by whatever amount of wisdom translated to us by sublime minds and poetic hearts.

While there is life in you, there is hope. The very breath preserved by God in Job's ultimate test. What great courage and faith demonstrated by Job. Of great pain and unimaginable suffering, Job's love for the Lord is great and His grace sustained His humble servant. No amount of adversities will deter Job from his steadfast faith in God. The book of Job is a story of love; and of friendship.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Selling methods and approaches

Methodology differs from one person to another. The basic element of selling remains however various the approaches may be – the bottom-line. As they say in sales “ we are as good as our last performance”. As sales is a financial component of a business entity, so it is its financial impact on the bottom-line that  is scrutinized in management meetings. The fact of the matter is sales drives the profitability of marketing oriented companies. However, we can presume that a long term approach to the selling profession can be adopted by an aspiring sales champion. Which brings us to a very powerful principle shared to me by a  fellow manager who had a lasting impression in my person, Mr. Jessraf Palmares who was my Regional Sales Manager at Philip Morris. He shared to me a positive approach to people management. An approach to “working with people” as promoted by McGregor’s Theory Y and Maslow’s Theory of Self Actualization. People are basically good. A similar principle discussed by St. Augustine in the Confessions about the inherent goodness in the intentions of people. It is our manifestation that fails us. People respond as treated. It is a manager’s duty to harness that energy, the good intention, towards the execution of duties and responsibilities. In sales, its effect is similar to the saying “ if you smile at the world, the world will smile back at you”. A manifestation of the Golden Rule which is espoused by many religion – “do unto others what you want others to do unto you”; “as you sow so shall you reap”. It is easier to converse with clients if you have good intentions in your heart. Good intentions have a powerful effect on people. It radiates a positive energy that has  a good effect on people around you. Thus, looking after the business of your clients in a long term perspective such as a repeat purchase or improving a category is much more sustainable that just making a sale today for the sake of making a sale. Customer service, therefore, is looking at one’s products ultimately satisfying the end user/ consumer thus facilitating a sustained profitable business for all stakeholders.

Methods/ Approaches:
1.      Persistence Selling
2.      Mental Conditioning
3.      Relationship Approach
4.      Personality Style
5.      Persuasive Format
6.      Benefit Selling
7.      Consultative Approach
8.      Value Selling
9.      High Impact Approach
10.  Partnering Method

If effective leadership requires situational approach to style, it is in the same way we approach our selling situation – we adapt the form of our clients and provide a style suitable to close the sale. As they say “ different strokes for different folks”. However, the process of Internal Scrutiny can be a very good exercise for an aspiring sales person. Inventory your personality and from your list, match a cluster of talents that is distinctly you while maintaining “working knowledge” on other skills.

Personal Strengths:
·         Excellent in Ppt Presentation
·         Excellent in written communication
·         Good with numbers
Without being the gallant and outspoken salesperson stereotype, you can work around with these personal strengths to be good at selling. Immediately, a person who is good with numbers can be businesslike to his clients by presenting financial information as to his products profitability in the client’s store. A salesperson who may be a silent type can easily be noticed by head office for his excellent and accurate Powerpoint presentation of his areas financial viability. Create a Personality brand of “Discipline and Reliance” through punctuality in reports submission and meetings or appointments.

In relation to the models of selling we have discussed in this chapter , it should be noted that Personal Style based on Internal Scrutiny should be the foundation of the sales person in his choice of model. Negotiate on the position of personal strength. Having adapted a personal style distinct to his/ her personality,  the salesperson armors himself with the methods appropriate to the situation as prescribed by his Environmental Scan where the nature of the market, customer, products, and competition is defined. Customer – personality and business policy, Market – competitive or new;  Products – new, revised, existing; Competition – stiff or monopoly.

In preparation for a call or negotiation, the following verses from Sun Tzu’s The Art of War would  be a great guide in formulating one’s operational plan. To subdue the enemy without fighting is the acme of skill. Supreme excellence in war is to attack the enemy’s strategy. His primary target is the mind of the opposing commander. Therefore, “ know they enemy and know thyself and in a hundred battles you will never be in peril”.  War, as defined in Merriam – Webster Dictionary, is a state of hostility, conflict, or antagonism b : a struggle or competition between opposing forces for a particular end. In these manner, we compare selling and marketing to war – “a struggle or competition between opposing forces for a particular end”. Thus, we find great use in the classics in utilizing the wisdom of old in improving our state of competency. As they say “ wise men learn from others mistake and fools from their own”. The principles of the Art of War is revolutionary such that its principles are timeless. 

Two thousand years after, our country lacks in “skillful commanders” that can liberate our land from poverty and corruption - Political and business leaders that can bring about Food Security, Sustainable Employment, Peace and an end to Corruption who has dried the coffers of the land. When can our country create a National Strategy?  How can our institutions bring about concrete improvements in public service? When will our leaders define the “victorious situation” of our country? What is needed to be done? For now, let us make this exercise among ourselves. Prudence is a virtue. To be prepared for any contingency  is a virtue.