Friday, July 22, 2011

Notable filipino marketing generals and field commanders

"Read over and over again the campaigns of Alexander, Hannibal, Caesar, Gustavus, Turenne, Eugene and Frederic. ... This is the only way to become a great general and master the secrets of the art of war" Napoleon Bonaparte. I must quote the great Napoleon on the wisdom behind these proposition. Indeed, history would provide us the secrets to our humanity and how to move the world. In the same spirit, I would like to write this page to give you a glimpse on the finest marketing commanders that have graced our time. I have worked with many field managers and executed the grand marketing strategies. From market leaders Marlboro to "guerilla" products Boy Bawang; I honor them in this page. I will honor them for their skill and for their fighting spirit; such that despite the tides of opinion in every era sways so easily as the incumbent management dictates - they will nevertheless be remembered in this page for their finest hour in the field. My salute to the greatest Filipino Marketing Generals and Soldiers for their courage and marketing competence; my salute as well to fallen warriors and commanders who once a upon a time executed their finest hour in the field regardless of what defeat and disgrace awaits them.

Lucio Tan, the proponent of Fortune tobacco and Asia Brewery, has dodged arrows and catapults thrown at this way by no less than giants as Philip Morris and San Miguel.

Raymund Acedera, a son of Cagayan de Oro, he has maneuvered himself to the second highest post of Best Foods Unilever from various field commands of Unilever. Raymund has inspired me as a young college student to pursue a career in Corporate Sales.

Congressman Peter Unabia, First District Misamis Oriental, is story worth out interest and analysis. A General who worked his wat to the top using competence and foresight. Started his career in the agrivet sales and distribution business, using his know how in the business - ventured into a highly successful poultry business and lechon manok with his Sr. Pedro brand. Ventured further in the agrivet business with his anakciano venture specializing in feds. Peter has maneuvered his business and political position with savvy; His competence will be a determinant in sustaining his growth and prominence in Mindanao.

Mars Aaron has led Unilever to many victories serving various position in the company. Surf climbed to market leadership was under his watchful guidance.

Dr. Hortaleza has led his company to many marketing victories from humble beginnings. An entrepreneur gifted with gab for marketing, his products and brands fought very well in the market. From Acetone, Spraynet, Maxipeel and Skinwhite. 

Allan Bautista of Unilab has maneuvered Selecta Walls Inc. thru challenging and controversial years. Serving under him was an honor. His leadership has given meat to my understanding of what Commitment truly is. 

Noe Espino of M&M. My first taste of the field was under Noe's command of Van de Bergh. A street smart Marketing person with very practical and effective selling techniques. My introduction to corporate sales, placement, promotions and inventory management in the Visayas was under his watch.  

Bernie Llamzon and Pie Singson. Managing the transition from La Suerte and organizing the recruitment and development of regional distributors was a tedious process. Under Bernie and Pie's guidance, Philip Morris Philippines was transitioned to the finest distribution framework in the country supported by ASMS, the most advanced FMCG IT system that provides the fastest, real time performance measurement in the country.

Under Joey Concepcion's direction, Pop cola became the thorn on the side of Global brand giant Coca Cola. The sustained Marketing and distribution pressure executed by Pop cola in Metro Manila ate up huge market share at Coca cola sales and  distribution. A similar feat being executed by Pop cola in the metro's of the Philippines.

Engr. Mark Gesalem of GEFC. Brought the Gesalem family brands to Mindanao. The finest business and marketing man I have worked with. The Art of War and Filipino Chinese business savvy personified. MUG has has the vision, the passion and dedicated to his mission. Demonstrating the same competence as Multinational senior executives, he has applied his skill with devastating effect in Mindanao with business interest extending Mindanao, Visayas and Luzon. Having worked with him, I have gained a deeper understanding and respect for the passion, competence, practicality and discipline of the Chinese Filipino
businessman. They have defended our country in more than many ways against foreign and local economic aggression. Their is benevolence in their cause.

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