“To know how to wring victory from defeat, and make stepping stones of our stumbling blocks, is the secret of success” Dr. Marden
“The gods in bounty work up storms about us that give mankind occasions to exert their hidden strength, and throw out into practice virtues that shun the day, and lie concealed in the smooth seasons and the calms of life” Addison
“Adversity is a sever instructor set over us by one who knows us better than we do ourselves, as hen loves us better. He that wrestles with us strengthens our nerves and sharpens our skill. Our antagonist is our helper” Edmund Burke
“The great men who have lifted the world to a higher level were not developed in easy circumstance, but were rocked in the cradle of difficulties and pillowed on hardships” Dr. Bremer
I must share some more of my thoughts pertaining the subject overcoming adversity or the management of setbacks. This subject is very close to my heart. At 35 years old, I have faced my own share of great odds in my life. One thing for sure, setbacks is not a circumstance to stay on. It must be clear that we must persist in our circumstance and fight towards a solution to our predicament. Fight on however hopeless. Fate has a way of rewarding a progressive action and a positive thought. “As a man thinketh in his heart so is he” and the greatest men of our time, or any man for that matter, will always be moved by a persevering soul. We will always admire men, who labors and remains faithful to their cause, despite the storms. In one time or another, we are guilty of having faltered. Once upon a time, we were young. In our innocence, we have experienced failing at something. We have committed mistakes. We have been scolded at and even scorned. Tender as we were, difficulties is part of life. In the skirmishes that comes with life, it is our storms in life that sharpens our senses and faculties. We are wiser because we felt the burnt of fire. We are made stern and our great abilities called upon by necessity and want.
It starts with how we see and define the circumstances around us – attitude, perception, personality, competence and other items pertaining the philosophy and psychology of persons. The attitude of seeking the good in all things. The competence of seeking God’s purpose in the events surrounding our life. Our perception and philosophy in life – what sense is there in living when death awaits us? What is the meaning of my life? Only maturity of mind and of heart molded by the instruction of life and wisdom derived in various sources. Truly, we are made in the image in the likeness of God; made to rule over the earth and over nature. The power to create has been endowed upon us to be part of God’s grand design.
I came across a particular line in my readings “ winning is a state of mind”. If we deduct from this verse, we can conclude that “failure is a state of mind” as well. Ultimately, our welfare depends on our personal definition and attitude for a particular circumstance. To treat “failure” as a temporary setback and to make use of it positively is a decisive blow. It all starts in the mind and the heart. One must have the moral capacity to turn this impostor into a benefit – a situation that favors your appointed purpose. Though, this cannot be done easily. We must consider that we have been raised in different manner by different families and environment. However, we can agree on the future. Thus, Passion and Competence (APC Operational Approach) can guide any discerning man towards the right direction. Logic will facilitate the rest. Somehow, we can “learn and unlearn things” as we go along in life; we are older, having the sufficient maturity to discern, we can decide what is right or wrong and grow accordingly. Unlearn bad attitudes as procrastination and lack of discipline; and learn new competencies as achievement and leadership orientation.
“Out of each adversity there is to be found the seed of an equal or greater benefit; Every failure is a blessing in disguise, providing and teaches some needed lessons one could have not learned without it” Dr. Sidney Bremer. It is by the challenges and regimen of training and doing that we are instructed in life. “the struggle to obtain knowledge and to advance one’s self in the world strengthens the mind, disciplines the faculties, matures the judgment, promotes self reliance, and gives one independence of thought and force of character”. Truly, I have only found myself when I lost everything. And, today, I say only in God can one truly find peace. I have found myself in God’s hands. Being assigned in many places unfamiliar to me and meeting strangers whose intent I cannot fathom; managing a territory’s various concerns, looking back, I was never lost and no harm came upon me and my family. Thirteen years after, I have found my self sufficient in all my undertakings. All my concepts about my passion Marketing and Management have found its way into the core of my heart and mind. With the skirmishes I had in my life, I can only stare at opposition and smile. I have been in more worse circumstances; and I know better how to approach the most adverse situations.
I have come to appreciate life’s diversity. My optimism and positive attitude have been tested by fire. I remain steadfast in my faith that there is meaning in the greater scheme of things. There is something good that can be derived from each rain drop and for each sunset. If we discern more closely, sit in the sand and listen to the waves as it approaches the shore, there is so much beauty in life. Having spent many days in the family beach in El Salvador at a time when I needed much reflection, I would watch the sun set and observe closely as darkness and daylight transition. As the darkness sets in, the stars reveals its countless lights in the sky. Watching the endless heaven and sea would be enough for one to realize man’s special place in the universe. Though, all our worries and petty concerns, are ridiculed by the vastness glory of the heavens. We are humbled by the sight of the full moon and the bright morning sun. We are strengthened each morning by God’s grace of honoring us with another day of life. “ Life is too short for us to waste its moments in deploring bad luck; we must go after success, since it will come to us, and we have no time to spare” Dr. Bremer. If we are shrewd in considering that each day that passes will forever be lost in time. Today is an opportunity to live life to the fullest. Caper Diem! Cease the day and create value where ever you are. “ do not be dumb driven cattle be a hero on the strife” Today and yesterday will never come back. Live today as if its your last.
Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress appeared in Bedford Jail
The history of the world was written by Sir Walter Raleigh during his thirteen years imprisonment.
Luther translated the Bible while confined in the Castle of Wartburg
Shakespeare started his poetry while holding horses in theater doors.
The great painter Poussin used to paint signboards in Paris.
Emerson, as a child, was unable to read the second volume of a book because they were so poor.
Cervates wrote Don Quijote while in prison in Madrid.
Abraham Lincoln had a nervous breakdown and lost so many times in local elections.
Rene Bitara, Prometheus Consultants
Rene Bitara, Prometheus Consultants
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